i am usually a great planner but this year i think i have fallen apart in that category. i can blame part of it on the fact that moving with the air force had me so confused.....anyway we ended up packing up our 24 foot penske truck a couple days before graduation. as soon as the graduation festivities were over mike and i were on the road to florida. my parents were kind enough to watch our boys so we wouldn't have to take them with us:)
this drive was insane. not only did our penske truck move so slow (it would top out at about 65 mph and it took a lot to get it there) it was a gas hog. i think on the trip we averaged about 6 mpg! we got started at about 2pm and drove until we couldn't keep our eyes open. we ended up stopping somewhere off the road past el paso texas to sleep. we knew we wouldn't sleep for long so we just decided to sleep in the truck. i probably got an hour of sleep because i was so cold and uncomfortable. mike slept like a baby but after 3 hours i decided it was time to hit the road. so we drove for another 19 hours.....

at about midnight we arrived at our good friends house in new orleans. dave and natalia were so kind to offer us a place to stay the night, especially because they just had baby #2 10 days before we arrived! as soon as we got there mike and dave headed out to take a small tour of the french quarter and pick up some yummy pastries. i stayed back with natalia and held their sweet baby girl. we went to bed at about 2 or 3 and were back on the road at 6 am.
i can't wait to go back to new orleans. it was such a cool place. the homes are so unique.
we finally arrived in florida after 38 hours of driving and about 1900 miles. it was an adventure! i wasn't sure what i would think about living in florida but i must admit these beaches are incredible and even though we are so far from our family i think this 3 year adventure will be so fun!

a few days after we arrived it was time to unload our truck into a storage unit. we worked on unloading for a few hours in the morning and then went to look for houses. by the time we got back it was about 11 pm and we realized we left our lock keys in our realtors car, so at 11:30 we had to meet up with her to get our keys. the fun began again at midnight and we finished up a little after 4 am. it was horrible. we started unloading so bad that halfway through we were deciding what furniture we would just throw in the dumpster because we were sure it wouldn't fit. somehow, we got it to fit but it was the worst packing job anyone has probably ever seen. when we finally finished up we had to drive over an hour to get the truck weighed so we could get paid from the air force and then drive another hour back to have our rental truck back at 7am when it was due. it was a crazy night!
finally unloaded, huge sigh of relief!
now, i can't wait to find a house so we get to do this all over again....ahhhh!